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Coffee on Desk

Be mindful

Be mindful about your intentions and how you spend your time.

Get organized

Remove mental clutter and create focus.

Be productive

Take consistent action and schedule your action tasks.

Reach goals

You are the author of your life. Make it happen!

Productivity Planner

Clear worksheets and simple steps.

The Productivity Planner is made with simplicity in mind. Life is already overwhelming enough. You need a clear and organized system to organize your dreams and goals. With the printable worksheets and clear instruction pages, you will find out exactly what you need and how to take consistent, step by step actions.

Productivity Planner
Productivity Planner
Productivity Planner

What's inside:

+40 pages

Including 17 printable worksheets and a 6-page planner.


From the first steps of finding out what you want and need in life, to the actual planning and scheduling; this planner has it all. Find out how you can make your dreams a reality by focusing on what's important to you, and working towards your goals step by step. This workbook has clear instruction pages that will motivate you to organize your life.




Instructions - Create wish lists
Worksheet - My wish lists

Instructions - Declutter day
Worksheet - Declutter lists

Instructions - Discover your values
Worksheet - What's important

Instructions - Create a vision board

Instructions - Daily affirmations
Worksheet - My affirmations

Instructions - Set a clear vision
Worksheet - My ideal life

Instructions - Determine roadblocks

Worksheet - Positive mindset




Instructions - Develop a routine
Worksheet - Daily routine

Instructions - Develop habits
Worksheet - Habit tracker

Instructions - Categorize your life
Worksheet - My life themes

Instructions - Determine your goals


Worksheet - Life themes goals
Worksheet - Goals time frame




Instructions - Organize your goals

Worksheet - My projects
Worksheet - Action steps
Worksheet - Top 3 goals
Worksheet - Top 3 projects
Worksheet - Break it down
Worksheet - Steps to take

Instructions - Increase productivity


Planner - Yearly overview
Planner - 90-day goals
Planner - 90-day checklist
Planner - Monthly overview
Planner - Weekly overview
Planner - Weekly tasks

Checklist Summary

Start your journey for FREE!

Sign up below to receive our FREE Printable Worksheets and get started today!

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