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How to overcome challenges

Updated: Feb 7, 2020

Finally take action on the things you have always wanted to do.

Every journey comes with its challenges. Looking deeper into what drives you can bring up unexpected emotions that hold you back from exploring further. But it can also reveal new ideas about yourself and your life that you can build on. 

Becoming more aware of the feelings and ideas that are holding you back from living the life you want to live will help you to turn things around. Explore the emotions and beliefs that affect your behavior in a non-constructive way and make a change!

Here are some ideas to help you on your way.

1. Face your fears

Think of all the things you wanted to do but were too scared or nervous to do. Fear can play a major role in stopping you from changing your behavior and getting things done. How many things have you not done or just let go of because a hint of fear was holding you back?

Making a list of your fears will help you get some insight as to why these things lie outside of your comfort zone, so you can find ways to overcome your challenges. Imagine where those things would stand outside your comfort zone. Is it just a little step outside, or does it take a big step to achieve?


TASK:  Create an overview of your fears and the things that make you uncomfortable. Visualize your comfort zone and the space around it. Draw a circle on a piece of paper that represents your comfort zone. Use the whole space outside your comfort zone to write down words and sentences related to your fears.


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2. Determine your roadblocks

Everyone has a set of challenges to get through. Have an honest look at your emotions when you review your previous answers. Do you have any negative thoughts that are holding you back from taking action? What are beliefs about yourself, your situation and your environment that stop you from creating the change you need? And what is your behavior because of these emotions and beliefs? Is it effective?

It is important to focus on the mental aspect of following the path to a specific destination. Change is hard. But with the right mindset, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.


TASK: Write down the emotions you’re feeling and the beliefs you’re having that are stopping you or slowing you down from getting where you want to be. What behavior develops from these emotions and beliefs? Write it down.


3. Develop a positive mindset

You reflected on your roadblocks and the fears that are holding you back from achieving your goals and creating your ideal life. Now it’s time to get all of the frustrations that accompany you on your journey out of your system. Your mind can be crowded with negative thoughts that are holding you back from achieving your goals. Adapt this negativeness into something useful instead. Use their power to get closer to your goals. Maybe you have learned something from a bad experience? What is it? Or try using your frustration to create movement. When you’re tired of a certain situation, use your anger and frustrations to motivate yourself to change it!


TASK: Grab a fresh piece of paper and write down everything that worries you, frustrates you and makes you angry or emotional in any way. How can you adapt these negative elements into something positive? 


➳ Download this Printable here

Positive mindset printable worksheet


☐ Create an overview of your fears and the things that make you uncomfortable.

☐ Write down the negative emotions and beliefs that lead to ineffective behavior.

☐ Turn your worries and frustrations into something positive and useful.

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