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How to Discover What Makes You Happy

Updated: Feb 15, 2020

Focus on what really matters and take the right actions to where you want to go.

It’s hard to focus on something if you don’t know what to focus on. You might have too many ideas floating in your head, and have no idea where to start. Or maybe you are clueless about what really drives you and what makes you happy. Wherever you are on the spectrum, there are ways to find out what’s truly important to you, so you can start focusing on the ideas and projects that lead you to a more fulfilled and happier life.

Here are some ideas to help you on your way.

1. Brainstorm your wants and needs (create wish lists)

Do you want more awareness of what you need and want in your life? Through brainstorm sessions, emotional reflections and declutter days you will discover the things that are truly important to you. When you put your dreams on paper it becomes more tangible. Subconsciously your mind will start to focus more on them, so you will take significant actions that lead you towards your dream goals.

Take a moment to sit still and think about the important themes in your life. Become more aware of what drives you so you can make mindful decisions about what to focus on.


TASK: Take five to ten minutes to brainstorm as many words, ideas, and themes related to the things and experiences you desire. Write anything down that comes to mind. It doesn’t have to be realistic. Imagine anything is possible. Imagine money plays no role. What would you spend your time, energy and money on?



🗸 Things you want to own

🗸 Experiences you want to have 

🗸 Skills you want to develop

🗸 Places you want to visit

➳ Download this Printable here

Wish list worksheet

2. Declutter your (mind) space

When figuring out what’s the most important in your life it’s easy to get overwhelmed and distracted. One of the ways to create more clarity in your life is to declutter your mind by decluttering your physical environment.

Why is this important? As Marie Kondo states in her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, “if we acknowledge our attachments to the past and our fears for the future by honestly looking at our possessions, we will be able to see what is really important to us … this process, in turn, helps us identify our values and reduces doubt and confusion in making life decisions”.


TASK: Make a list of all the things you can declutter in your life. This can be anything from clearing out a physical space to detaching yourself from certain thoughts and beliefs in your mind. Then plan a day in your calendar for Declutter Day. This will be the day when you clear yourself from the clutter in your life. Determine which space on your list you will declutter on this day. Take it step by step to not get overwhelmed. As Marie Kondo states: “The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.”



🗸 A specific room in your home

🗸 Email inbox

🗸 Files on your computer

🗸 Pictures on your phone

🗸 Negative beliefs that hold you back

3. Discover your values

Why should you become aware of your values? Well, your values represent what’s most important to you. Becoming aware of them will help you shift your focus to taking positive action. This will make you feel more fulfilled about the things you’re doing in life because they are the things that are most important to you and therefore will have the most positive impact on your life. As Roy E. Disney states: “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier."

Your values can depend on a number of things and are likely to be developed based on how and where you grew up. Different cultures can have diverse values and it is interesting to notice and understand these. At first, it might seem hard to become aware of your society’s or your own personal values. It’s hard to notice, like a fish in a fishbowl not realizing it is swimming in water, because we never took a moment to stand still and become aware of them. Now is the time to become aware of them to help you focus and take more concrete action towards a fulfilled and happy life.


TASK: Pick five values from the list (or think of your own) that call to you. Don’t think of the reason yet, just go with your feeling. In your own words, write down a definition of the values you have chosen. 

Take a moment to think about the answers to these questions. Write down a couple of words or sentences that answer them, to really understand the values you have chosen.

What do they mean to you? 

Why do you think they are important to you? 



🗸 Accomplishments, Adventure, Appreciation 

🗸 Challenge, Clarity, Commitment, Compassion, Connection, Creativity 

🗸 Discipline, Diversity 

🗸 Efficiency, Emotional health, Environment, Exploration

🗸 Family, Freedom, Friendship, Fun 

🗸 Health, Honesty, Humor, Joy 

🗸 Leadership, Loyalty, Nature 

🗸 Openness, Organization, Personal growth, Privacy 

🗸 Recognition, Responsibility, Romance 

🗸 Security, Self-expression, Service, Spirituality, Structure 

🗸 Teamwork, Uniqueness

➳ Download this Printable here

Values printable worksheet


☐ Brainstorm your wants and needs and write down your wish lists.

☐ Create a declutter list and plan Declutter Day in your calendar.

☐ Write down 5 values and explain why they are important to you.

Download the complete Lifestyle Planning Checklist (and other goodies) for FREE by signing up here.



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